Questions I get asked

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Taking that first step on your coaching journey is courageous, and I know you’ll have questions. 

Everyone comes with a different set of goals, challenges, learning styles and pace. As a result, I make sure to tailor every coaching programme to fit exactly around you. All of this can be discussed on our 30-minute discovery call. But you might also find the answers to some initial questions below.

Questions I get asked by individuals

Why should I invest in a coach?

A coach is dedicated to you solely, your development, your needs. you have a fully confidential space to work through not only your fears and inner conflicts, but also to lay out your true ambitions.

Coaching feels like an investment. How do I know if it is worth it?

Consider the cost of being in the same place from now…a coach will shift you and keep you accountable, for your career and ambitions.

How many sessions will I need?

Depending on what you want to achieve and how much time and energy you have to achieve your goals, the number of sessions you require will vary, as will the topics covered.  Everyone’s goals and circumstances are entirely unique, so I will always suggest the optimal amount of sessions for you when we have our initial discovery session to personalise our time together to your needs. 

I’m super busy right now. How much time do I need to dedicate to this?

Coaching works best when you are ready to invest in you and ready to take radical ownership of your career. It’s brave to go on this journey with me and those who get the best results from our work together are open to pushing through their comfort zone and taking time between sessions to integrate and take action on the areas covered. As well as our coaching sessions, expect to put aside time in between sessions to integrate and reflect on the work we do together.

How do I know who is the right coach for me?

The key factor in choosing your coach is chemistry; you will feel comfortable revealing your insecurities and your ambitions to your coach. The best way to find out is to book a free consultation.

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Christina has been an amazing support over the past 2 years, providing professional coaching on a number of areas on both a 1-2-1 basis and to a group of team members within my company, on professional values and skills as well as personal progression. Christina is incredibly knowledgeable and has provided me with invaluable advice allowing me to learn new skills and develop my existing skills. Her coaching truly transformed the way I work!


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Questions I get asked by organisations

Why should we invest in an external coach? Can we use our own people instead?

A coach from the outside of the company is dedicated to the individuals with no preconceptions and focused on their development and their needs. Coachees have a fully confidential space to work through not only their fears and inner conflicts, but also to lay out their true ambitions. With a coach or mentor from within the company, there tends to be a limit to how completely vulnerable and truthful coachees can be about their insecurities and what they really want, deep from their core. Quite often, there are conflicts of interest and coachees fear how this affects their personal brands. A coach will help your managers evaluate from all perspectives, broaden their views, be their sounding board from a neutral, risk-free place and with zero judgment.

Coaching feels like an investment. How do we know if it is worth it?

Consider the cost of losing and trying to replace your organisation's distinctive capabilities. I believe leaders are critical in getting things done and making change happen in the organisation. They also represent the company on a day-to-day basis. They need to establish credibility and be able to influence. This means how to project confidence, be heard, leverage relationships, build sponsorship and network, be assertive and grow gravitas, particularly as they grow towards senior levels. A coach will shift their mindsets, reignite their motivation, unleash their potential... and you keep your talent pipeline for the business in healthy places.

How do I know who is the right coach for my organisation and teams?

The key factor in choosing your coach is chemistry: will your people feel comfortable revealing their insecurities and ambitions to their coach. The best way to find out is to book a chemistry session. My rule of thumb is three. Give your people choices, let them meet and greet at least three coaches and make a choice with you.


 Ready to move forward?
